Here's the next installment of my Norfolk photography project as promised! The whole experience has been really inspiring and has helped to open up new possibilities!
My second photo-shoot on the Broads presented different challenges and conditions from the first shoot. On the whole the lighting was a lot better to work with then last time, providing much clearer skies. This really set off the late September colours beautifully! However, with very bright weather keeping a good exposure proved to be quite tricky. On the whole though the shoot went very smoothly, as there was so much to work with and it was just wonderful to be out on the water in the Autumn! As the day went on, the Waveney Stardust crew and I started to work really well together, positioning the boat exactly where I wanted it. I think we made quite a team!
I think the funniest part, although also the most difficult part of the trip, was when I was taking photos of the boat itself. We had to get out onto a little island mooring point, so it looked like I had just been left stranded there! The tricky part was photographing the boat as it did a circuit before picking me up again. With the boat moving I had to act fast so I didn't miss the opportunity of getting a decent image. When dealing with a moving target it's easy to end up with just a load of very blurry images!
So hopefully you will get to see the results of the project very soon, in the meantime here's an image to show part of what I've been up to! Also if you didn't get a chance before do have a look at the Waveney Stardust website: They are a fantastic charity and it's been a real pleasure to work with them on this project!

Before I finish, don't forget to come and find me on the 11th November, this Saturday, at Holy Trinity Church Redhill! All the details are below or on my events page.